Brockley Tree Services

Harmful Tree Bugs and How To Get Rid of Them

After a long winter, your tree might be in a weaker state; this means it’s the perfect target for pests come spring. Nature provides you with a lot of protection via predators, but sometimes infestations can get out of control. If you’re not paying attention and controlling your trees, they could end up dead. Here […]

Preparing Your Trees For Winter

Trees are tough plants, but winter can take a toll on their structure and health. This storm damage could lead to weakened integrity, falling branches, and a lot of property damage in the future. While a little snow and ice and can make for beautiful, pastoral scenes, it can add a lot of stress.   […]

The Dangers of Large Tree Removal

If you want a tree removed, it’s easy to think that you could do it yourself. But large tree removal isn’t a very easy job, and it’s almost always a hazardous one. The large limbs and thick trunk can cause serious damage during the removal process. The damage that you were probably hoping to avoid in […]

Five Safety Tips For Proper Tree Removal

We like saving trees, but sometimes, it’s impossible. While we consider tree removal a last resort, we know it’s sometimes necessary. It’s also necessary, when undertaking either a tree or stump removal, to do it properly and safely.   If you want to undertake the process yourself, follow these basic safety guidelines. Know that tree […]

Tree Stump Removal Safety

Tree stumps can be rather unsightly. They’re either taking up room on your beautifully landscaped lawn, or they serve as a reminder of the majestic tree that once stood. Either way, most people want the stump out of their yard and in the wood chipper ASAP.   There’s a temptation to do it oneself, with a […]

Storm Season – The Clean-Up That Follows

There’s only so much you can do in keeping your house and property safe from falling limbs. After all, a tree is a living thing, and a mighty impressive one at that. This is why it’s not uncommon for property owners to dread any heavy rain, ice storm, or powerful wind that come through the […]

Lightning Hazards And Your Tree

Just thinking about the power of lightning can boggle the mind: it’s an electrical charge of 100 million volts striking at a temperature of more than 30,000 degrees Celsius. It can make for a very beautiful show, especially when you’re watching it at a distance, but this force of nature can just as easily come […]

Preparing For The Asian Longhorn Beetle

Our world is increasing in connectivity, more and more every day. These connections bring a lot of positives, but they also come with… well, some unwelcome guests, namely, the Asian Longhorn Beetle.   We’ve already discussed the Emerald Ash Borer, a pest that came to the United States and slowly made its way north to […]

Keep An Eye Out: Identifying The Emerald Ash Borer

Around 2002, a new backyard villain made its way to Ontario. Starting from a home population in Michigan, this scourge of majestic ash trees invaded Windsor, spread to the London area, and now can be found as far north as Sault Ste. Marie. In little more than a decade and a half, it’s become an […]

Tree Trimming: How To Time It Right

Tree trimming isn’t as simple as taking a pair of pruning shears and cutting off branches whenever it’s convenient for you and the tree. Tree trimming means knowing all about trees: how they grow, what shape it’s going to take after the trimming, and how to control that shape. Trimming and pruning are all about controlling the tree and […]