Brockley Tree Services

Five Ways That Trees And Buildings Can Coexist

In the construction world, trees are often thought of as building material at best, a nuisance to be cut down at worst. But necessity is the mother of invention, and when a tree is too beautiful to remove (or it’s protected by law, depending on where you are), there are ways builders and arborists can […]

Can Trees Talk To Each Other?

Trees are much more complex than many people give them credit for; they figured out how to live for hundreds, if not thousands of years, and it wasn’t a one-tree job. Like all living things, trees used reproduction and genetic mutation to adapt and thrive to their environments over more than 350 million years, and […]

How To Repair Winter Tree Damage

Ontario winters can be rough on trees. The heavy snow and ice, the cold, dry winds, the temperature fluctuations towards spring, salt spray… the list of things that can seriously damage trees is long. Your trees require care in the springtime to make sure they overcome this winter damage and go into the new season […]

Most Common Tree Pests In North America

As common tree pests munch their way through Northern American plant life, the majority of insect damage to trees is caused by 22 common insect pests! These insects cause enormous economic damage by destroying landscape trees, lumber companies and much more…

Five Tips For Summer Tree Care

Caring for trees in the summer is a little different from the other seasons, and if all things are going well, you’re definitely going to take a more hands-off approach. This doesn’t mean you’re off the hook, though! Healthy trees require attention so that they stay healthy, even when it appears that things couldn’t be […]

Should You Preserve A Tree Stump On Your Property?

Removing a tree doesn’t end when you’ve cut it down. In fact, that’s often the easy part! The tree stump is something that gives a lot of homeowners headaches, as getting it out of the ground can be a real pain. To avoid removing a tree stump, some people will try and plant around it, […]

5 Types Of Tree Bark Fungus (And What You Can Do About Them!)

It won’t be long until the trees begin to come out of their dormancy and start to bud with leaves, blossoms, and new growth. However, coming out of this long winter’s nap leaves them (no pun intended) very susceptible to fungal infections, many of which start in the bark. These infections can spread to the […]

Ten Things To Consider When Choosing Your Tree Guy

There is a lot you can do personally to help your trees, but sometimes they’re so far gone that you need to call in the big guns. Not literally, of course, but an expert that can diagnose the problem and do his or her best to keep the tree intact and looking like, well, a […]

Salt Damage and Your Tree Protection Plan

Canada uses at least $7 million tonnes of salt per year on its roads, and dealing with the damage it does to our cars, homes, and clothing is a regular part of winter here in the Great White North. But this road salt has a huge impact on the environment, too, and while you picture […]

What To Do With Your Old Christmas Tree

Are you still clinging to 2017’s Christmas tree? We don’t blame you. Weren’t we singing “O Christmas Tree” not two or three weeks ago? Now we’re supposed to toss it to the curb? Here are some ideas to make the most of that used-up Tannenbaum, both inside and outside!