Brockley Tree Services

What Happens To A Tree In Winter?

  There is something beautiful about Christmas pine trees, especially when you see one standing next to a dreary, naked maple tree. What do pines do in winter that maples aren’t doing? Why is it that some types of trees seem to die in winter, while others stay full and fragrant? Keep reading to find […]

How To Know When A Tree Needs To Be Cut Down

    An unhealthy tree might not appear to be a hazard. Once an arborist determines that a tree is in failing health or no longer living, you might have to cut it down, even if the trunk isn’t leaning or there are no hanging branches. It’s important to note that the signs on this […]

How Much Should I Water My Trees & Shrubs?

Trees and shrubs can be easy to care for, but you still need to give them attention to make sure they grow and thrive. Proper care includes watering, and many property owners aren’t giving their trees and shrubs the right amount of water at the right times.  In those first few weeks, watering the proper […]

All About Trees: The Southwestern Ontario Ironwood

The Ironwood tree found in Southwestern Ontario is a small understory species that is popular for landscaping. It dependably grows with little maintenance and is a trouble-free tree in many urban settings. Throughout the year, the Ironwood tree provides food for native wildlife, and in the fall, it shows a beautiful colour.  As the name […]

Should You Monitor Mushroom Growth Near Your Trees Next Season?

The arrival of spring brings new sprouts, not just on your tree but around it, too. One non-plant sprout is the mushroom, and these fun guys tend to grow around large foliage. For foragers, tree bases are ideal spots for finding tasty morsels like morels, but if you spot mushrooms around your trees, don’t take […]

Does Wood Chip Mulch Really Protect Tree Roots In Winter?

Mulch is important for tree health. This kind of organic material can enhance landscaping, protect plants from traffic, and improve soil conditions. Gardeners and landscapers don’t use it only in warmer weather, though – they know that mulch serves a purpose in winter, too. But does wood chip mulch really protect tree roots in winter? […]

Can Firewood Be Too Dry?

Firewood left to season for longer than needed might lose more moisture than is necessary. While that sounds okay – or at least not problematic – some moisture content in the wood is important for controlling a fire and enjoying its heat. Here’s what very dry firewood can do to your fireplace or wood-burning stove […]

What Trees Are Most Vulnerable During A Storm?

Trees have evolved to be hardy plants that can thrive for hundreds of years, but they are still vulnerable to the forces of nature. Strong winds and the accumulation of snow and ice can damage large limbs, but over time they can take the entire tree down. On top of the physical damage to or […]

What Is The First Ontario Tree To Bloom In Spring?

One of the best parts of spring is the blooming of trees, and these renewed colours are the perfect antidote for the winter blues. In Ontario, spring-blooming species begin “waking up” anywhere from mid-March through to about mid-June. Which species can you expect to see bloom first this spring?

What Are The Best Evergreen Shrubs?

Evergreen shrubs are some of the most versatile ornamental plants around. They look great next to a beautiful array of perennials, as privacy hedges, and even all by themselves on an empty lawn. These shrubs are also much less work than other plants!  Here are five of the best choices with their ideal uses!