Brockley Tree Services

What Are The First Trees To Bloom In London After The Spring Melt?

Londoners plant trees on their property for many reasons, but one of the biggest reasons is how they look in spring. You can find many different colours across London in the Forest City’s variety of flowering trees! In our part of the country, spring technically begins in late March, but blossoms can come out through […]

What Trees Are Most Vulnerable During A Storm?

Trees have evolved to be hardy plants that can thrive for hundreds of years, but they are still vulnerable to the forces of nature. Strong winds and the accumulation of snow and ice can damage large limbs, but over time they can take the entire tree down. On top of the physical damage to or […]

Five Of The World’s Scariest Trees

Trees are incredible organisms, and the Brockley team gets to see what makes them so amazing up close every day. However, there are some species we’d prefer you to keep off your landscaping, though unless you’re in the Addams Family or a character in a Stephen King novel, no one would want these trees on […]

Does Insurance Pay For Tree Removal?

It’s not a Canadian winter without snow, ice, harsh winds, and (unfortunately) falling trees. While they often take down power lines and slow down commutes, the worst broken tree limbs can do is cause damage to personal property. You might think that you’re automatically covered by your insurance company, but that’s not always the case. […]

What’s The Difference Between A Tree Surgeon And An Arborist?

Arborists are often called tree surgeons because their business bears a resemblance to how a doctor works on people. In the industry, however, the two labels would never be used interchangeably! Despite their title, tree surgeons do not have the same training or knowledge as certified arborists. The difference will show in the quality of […]

Great Places To See The Leaves Changing In Ontario

In Ontario, the leaves begin changing colour in mid-to-late September and into October. While we often take them for granted while they’re here, the window to enjoy this seasonal foliage is pretty small. Here are some great places in the province to make the most out of this short time of year!

How Tree Removal Techniques Differ Between Tree Types

Sometimes a tree is beyond helping and it needs to be removed. Before tackling the job (and after determining it really is dead), a good arborist makes a plan. This is an important step in keeping everyone safe and preventing property damage. The work of an arborist takes them high in the branches, and they […]

All About Edible Trees

Trees are major parts of landscaping, and they provide much-needed ornamentation to your property. Some trees give shade, some have a great colour to accent the flowers you’ve planted, and some provide the perfect amount of flow to your landscaping plans. But have you thought about which species are edible trees? You can easily have […]

Five Ways That Trees And Buildings Can Coexist

In the construction world, trees are often thought of as building material at best, a nuisance to be cut down at worst. But necessity is the mother of invention, and when a tree is too beautiful to remove (or it’s protected by law, depending on where you are), there are ways builders and arborists can […]

Can Trees Talk To Each Other?

Trees are much more complex than many people give them credit for; they figured out how to live for hundreds, if not thousands of years, and it wasn’t a one-tree job. Like all living things, trees used reproduction and genetic mutation to adapt and thrive to their environments over more than 350 million years, and […]