Brockley Tree Services

Strategic Tree and Shrub Placement in Your Landscape

The thoughtful placement of trees and shrubs can transform your landscape from a mere backyard into a lush, living sanctuary. Beyond the aesthetic enhancement, strategic placement plays a crucial role in maximizing the ecological and energy-saving benefits these natural elements offer. Brockley Tree, with our expertise in tree services, is dedicated to helping homeowners make […]

When Should I Prune My Trees, Shrubs, and Hedges

Pruning your trees, shrubs, and hedges is an important part of landscape maintenance. It helps keep them looking their best and also promotes healthy growth. But when is the best time to prune them? Let’s discuss the different times of year that you should prune your trees, shrubs, and hedges. We will also provide you […]

What Do Shrubs Need For Protection From The Winter Elements?

  Shrubs are a landscaping favourite: they provide a visual composition for your outdoor setting and offer beautiful colours even in the wintertime. They also protect your garden from the wind – and maybe even from snooping eyes. However, shrubs are very susceptible to damage from the winter weather. You might not notice any problems […]

How Much Should I Water My Trees & Shrubs?

Trees and shrubs can be easy to care for, but you still need to give them attention to make sure they grow and thrive. Proper care includes watering, and many property owners aren’t giving their trees and shrubs the right amount of water at the right times.  In those first few weeks, watering the proper […]

What Are The Best Evergreen Shrubs?

Evergreen shrubs are some of the most versatile ornamental plants around. They look great next to a beautiful array of perennials, as privacy hedges, and even all by themselves on an empty lawn. These shrubs are also much less work than other plants!  Here are five of the best choices with their ideal uses!

Privacy Plants: Trees and Shrubs for Added Privacy

“Good fences make good neighbours” goes the old saying, and while a fence can indeed make a good neighbour, sometimes it doesn’t make for a very pretty one. Fences can seem cold and sterile, and you might not want to see one directly outside your window. Depending on the material, they can also be pretty […]