Brockley Tree Services

Does Wood Chip Mulch Really Protect Tree Roots In Winter?

Mulch is important for tree health. This kind of organic material can enhance landscaping, protect plants from traffic, and improve soil conditions. Gardeners and landscapers don’t use it only in warmer weather, though – they know that mulch serves a purpose in winter, too. But does wood chip mulch really protect tree roots in winter? […]

What Is The Most Ideal Tree Work During Winter?

Many customers think that tree maintenance work slows down during the winter. However, arborists work the entire year, and we can be swamped with work during the winter! It’s because we can perform some types of tree care work better during the winter, performing tasks during the coldest months of the year to prepare your […]

How To Safely Install Winter Bird Feeders On Your Trees

Winter bird feeders are great ways to add a bit of colour to your yard and see more of nature. Homeowners should put their winter bird feeders away from foot traffic, making trees ideal places for those who don’t want to set up a pole in their lawn. Placing a winter bird feeder in a […]

Three Signs A Tree Is About To Fall

A tree about to fall poses a hazard to life and property, but how can you tell when one on your property is close to taking a tumble? Here are three signs you can look for – if you notice them, call an arborist!

Can Firewood Be Too Dry?

Firewood left to season for longer than needed might lose more moisture than is necessary. While that sounds okay – or at least not problematic – some moisture content in the wood is important for controlling a fire and enjoying its heat. Here’s what very dry firewood can do to your fireplace or wood-burning stove […]

What Is The Difference Between Tree Trimming And Pruning?

With the holidays right around the corner, hearing the term “tree trimming” may remind you of decorating your Christmas tree with colorful ornaments and while “Trimming” your Christmas tree doesn’t fall under our line of work, we are happy offer tree trimming and pruning services when you need it. Many people use the terms “trimming” […]

What Trees Are Most Vulnerable During A Storm?

Trees have evolved to be hardy plants that can thrive for hundreds of years, but they are still vulnerable to the forces of nature. Strong winds and the accumulation of snow and ice can damage large limbs, but over time they can take the entire tree down. On top of the physical damage to or […]

What Is Involved In A Tree Hazard Assessment?

For an arborist, a tree hazard assessment is as much an art as it is a science. Recognizing the hazards requires experience and an understanding of not only tree biology and physiology but also the unique structure and decay processes of trees. They must know how trees in a specific area grow, the history of […]

Five Of The World’s Scariest Trees

Trees are incredible organisms, and the Brockley team gets to see what makes them so amazing up close every day. However, there are some species we’d prefer you to keep off your landscaping, though unless you’re in the Addams Family or a character in a Stephen King novel, no one would want these trees on […]

Can Large Trees Reduce Crime In Cities?

Research proves that higher amounts of trees in urban areas give many benefits, from energy conservation to reducing levels of stormwater. But did you know many cities can use trees to fight crime? Researchers across the United States have examined how trees improve the quality of life for people who live in cities. One of […]