Brockley Tree Services


How to Start a Fire With Wet Wood

Brockley Tree Services

Do you know how to start a fire with wet wood? It can be tricky, but it’s not exactly impossible. Sometimes after it rains or when we don’t have access to dry firewood, we need to attempt using logs that are wet. Read more to learn about the best ways to do it. We will also provide some tips on how to prevent your wood from getting wet in the first place.

Wet Fire Wood Starting Techniques


WoodOne way to start a fire with wet wood is by using a technique called “the Swedish torch.” This involves cutting the log into sections and then drilling a hole into the center of each section. Then, you stack the sections on top of each other, with the holes aligned. Finally, you light a fire at the bottom of the stack and let it burn up through the holes.

Dry Tinder Bundles


Another way to start a fire with wet wood is by using a tinder bundle. To do this, you gather some dry, fibrous material like bark or leaves. Then, you create a nest out of the material and place your wet wood on top of it. Finally, you light the tinder bundle and let the fire slowly spread to the wet wood.

  1. Pick your fire pit location carefully
  2. Light your dry tinder bundle
  3. Build fire structure and add kindling
  4. Add more fuel if needed


Wet Fire Wood Prevention


If you want to prevent your wood from getting wet in the first place, there are a couple of things you can do. First, make sure to store your wood in a dry place. If it’s outdoors, cover it with a tarp or something similar. Also, try to use wood that’s been seasoned (dried out) for at least six months. This will make it less likely to absorb moisture from the air. Storing your firewood correctly is necessary.