Brockley Tree Services

What Is The Difference Between Tree Trimming And Pruning?

With the holidays right around the corner, hearing the term “tree trimming” may remind you of decorating your Christmas tree with colorful ornaments and while “Trimming” your Christmas tree doesn’t fall under our line of work, we are happy offer tree trimming and pruning services when you need it. Many people use the terms “trimming” […]

Can Large Trees Reduce Crime In Cities?

Research proves that higher amounts of trees in urban areas give many benefits, from energy conservation to reducing levels of stormwater. But did you know many cities can use trees to fight crime? Researchers across the United States have examined how trees improve the quality of life for people who live in cities. One of […]

What To Do With Your Old Christmas Tree

Are you still clinging to 2017’s Christmas tree? We don’t blame you. Weren’t we singing “O Christmas Tree” not two or three weeks ago? Now we’re supposed to toss it to the curb? Here are some ideas to make the most of that used-up Tannenbaum, both inside and outside!

Real vs. Fake Christmas Trees: An Arborist’s Perspective

Picking a Christmas tree has become one of the most important December traditions. Think about your favourite festive movies – from A Christmas Story to National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, taking the family to the local lot or forest to get a tree is one of the most magical parts of the season. Sure, you might […]