Brockley Tree Services


Our 5 Favourite Flowering Trees in Ontario

Brockley Tree Services

Canada is full of iconic and beautiful flowering trees that splash our landscape with their unique colours all year round. Here’s a list of Brockley Tree’s 5 favourite Ontario flowering trees!

Red Maple

This tree is famous for its beautiful colours in shades of red! The red maple tree is found in central and southern Flowering Trees in Ontario Red MapleOntario, in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence region. The colours on this tree pop in the autumn making it easily recognizable.  The size of this tree can grow up to 25 m tall and around 60 cm in diameter. The seeds of this flowering tree fall in the early summer and are contained in “keys”.

White Ash

Red Ash

This tree grows to be one of the largest native trees in the ash species!  This tree is widely known to be planted in shade and is quite different from the green ash tree. Instead of turning yellowish in the fall, it turns into an amazing array of purples and reds. This flowering tree can grow up to 30 m and is mainly found in Ontario’s deciduous forests, throughout Southern Ontario and even up North to Lake Nipissing and Sault Ste. Marie.

Sugar Maple

The sugar maple tree is highly known for it’s capability in creating sap that turns into maple syrup! This flowering Flowering Trees in Ontario Red Ash Imagetree is 35 m tall and can live up to 200 years.  The sugar maple is the national tree of Canada that we represent on our flag. These trees can be found all over southern and central Ontario!


Tulip Tree

Flowering Trees in Ontario Tulip ImageThis is a flowering tree that can only be found in a few areas in Ontario.  These areas are Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and in the Niagara Peninsula. This fast-growing species can grow up to 35 m and the trunk can go up to 160 cm in diameter!  These trees create beautiful flowers that look like tulips in the spring with awesome yellow-green colours. This tree is actually a great source of food for birds and other animals!


Pin Cherry

The pin cherry tree is very small compared to other trees, it can only grow up to around 12 metres tall. In poor living conditions, this tree will only grow to about the size of a shrub. This beautiful tree is native to Ontario and, obviously, it grows cherries as a wonderful bonus. These are edible but very sour. This tree can be found pretty much everywhere but especially in the North!



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