Brockley Tree Services


How to Address Tree Root Issues: Common Problems and Solutions

Brockley Tree Services

Imagine walking across your perfectly manicured lawn, only to trip over a rogue tree root that seems determined to make your life difficult. Or picture a once-thriving garden now struggling because tree roots have encroached on precious planting space. If you’re a homeowner or gardener, these scenarios might sound all too familiar. Tree root issues can pose significant challenges, impacting both your plants and property. This guide will walk you through the common problems associated with tree roots and offer practical solutions to keep your garden and property in top shape.


Signs of Tree Root Problems


One of the first signs of tree root problems is wilting leaves. If you notice that your trees or surrounding plants are wilting despite regular watering, it may indicate that roots are not absorbing water efficiently. This could be due to compacted soil, root damage, or other underlying issues.

Examine the soil around the root zone and check for signs of compaction or poor drainage. Addressing these factors can help improve water uptake and reduce wilting.

Leaf Drop

Unexpected leaf drop can be another indicator of root problems. If your tree is shedding leaves out of season, it may be a response to stress caused by root damage or girdling roots. Trees rely on a healthy root system to transport nutrients and water throughout their structure.

Inspect the tree’s base for signs of girdling roots or other damage. Providing adequate water and nutrients can help alleviate stress and support the tree’s recovery.

Cracked Pavement

Cracked or uneven pavement near trees is a telltale sign of root intrusion. Tree roots can exert significant pressure as they grow, causing damage to driveways, sidewalks, and other paved surfaces. This not only creates safety hazards but can also lead to costly repairs.

If you notice cracks or upheavals in your pavement, it’s essential to address the underlying root issues. Installing root barriers or opting for flexible paving materials can help mitigate further damage.


Common Tree Root Problems

Soil Compaction

One of the most common issues caused by tree roots is soil compaction. When roots grow beneath heavy foot traffic areas or driveways, they can compress the soil, reducing its porosity. Compacted soil restricts the movement of water, air, and nutrients, making it difficult for plants and grass to thrive.

If your lawn appears patchy and lacks vigour, soil compaction could be the culprit. Consider aerating your soil to relieve this issue. Aeration involves perforating the soil with small holes to allow air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the roots. This process can significantly improve soil health and promote better growth.

Girdling Roots

Girdling roots are roots that grow around the base of a tree rather than spreading outward. This abnormal growth pattern can strangle the tree, cutting off the flow of water and nutrients. Over time, girdling roots can cause the tree to weaken and potentially die.

To prevent girdling roots, ensure that trees are planted at the correct depth. The root flare, where the trunk meets the roots, should be visible above ground. If you suspect girdling roots, consult a professional arborist for an assessment and possible root pruning.

Surface Root Issues

Surface roots are roots that grow near or above the soil surface. While they are natural for many tree species, surface roots can create hazards and hinder lawn maintenance. They can be particularly troublesome around driveways, sidewalks, and patios, potentially causing cracks and uneven surfaces.

To manage surface roots, consider creating a mulch bed around the tree. Mulch provides a protective layer that reduces the impact of mowing and foot traffic. Raised walkways or root barriers can also be installed to prevent surface roots from causing damage to paved areas.


Solutions to Tree Root Issues

Proper Watering

Ensuring that trees receive adequate water is crucial for their health and can help mitigate root problems. Deep watering encourages roots to grow downward rather than spreading out near the surface. A slow-release watering system should be used to provide consistent moisture to the root zone.

Watering should be done early in the morning or late in the evening to minimize evaporation. Mulching around the base of the tree can also help retain soil moisture and regulate temperature.


Mulching is a simple yet effective way to protect tree roots and improve soil health. A layer of organic mulch, such as wood chips or bark, helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and provide nutrients as it decomposes.

Apply mulch in a 2-4 inch layer around the tree’s base, extending out to the drip line. Be sure to keep mulch away from the trunk to prevent rot and pest problems.

Root Barriers

Root barriers are physical barriers installed underground to prevent roots from encroaching on unwanted areas. They can be particularly useful for protecting driveways, sidewalks, and foundations from root damage.

Root barriers are typically made of durable materials like plastic or metal and are installed vertically into the soil. They redirect roots downward, encouraging deeper growth away from structures.


Professional Help and Advanced Solutions

Soil Aeration

For severe soil compaction, professional soil aeration may be necessary. Aeration machines create small holes in the soil, allowing air, water, and nutrients to reach the roots more effectively. This process can significantly improve soil structure and promote healthy root growth.

Consult with a certified arborist or landscaping professional to determine the best aeration method for your specific situation.

Root Pruning

Root pruning involves selectively cutting back roots that are causing problems. This should only be done by a professional arborist, as improper pruning can harm the tree. Root pruning can help manage girdling roots and prevent surface root damage.

A certified arborist will use specialized tools to carefully prune roots without compromising the tree’s stability and health. This process can help redirect root growth and alleviate pressure on nearby structures.

Tree Removal

In extreme cases where root problems cannot be resolved, tree removal may be the only option. While this is a last resort, removing a problematic tree can prevent further damage to property and allow for the planting of more suitable species.

If tree removal is necessary, work with a professional tree service to ensure safe and efficient removal. They can also advise on replacement options that pose fewer risks to your property.


Regular monitoring and maintenance are key to preventing root-related problems. Keep an eye out for signs of trouble, such as wilting leaves, unexpected leaf drops, and cracked pavement. When in doubt, seek professional help to assess and address root issues.

Remember, healthy trees contribute to the overall beauty and value of your property. Take proactive steps to manage tree roots and ensure a harmonious coexistence between your trees and your home. For more personalized advice and assistance, consider consulting with a certified arborist. By understanding common root problems and implementing effective solutions, you can enjoy a beautiful, thriving landscape.